“This was such an amazing and unique opportunity for us. As someone with a pre-med background who's been transitioning into the tech world, this program has made this possible for me.  The coursework was rigorous, and we learned so much by being hands-on and developing different web applications. The support from the NVF team made it all worthwhile. Now I feel fully comfortable coding on my own and I can’t wait to learn more.”

– Ridwan Dahir

 “When I first started the NVF coding bootcamp, I didn’t know much about coding or web development and during these last 6 months I’ve learned 6 different programming languages. I’ve also learned how to develop both front and back-end applications. My personal growth in the bootcamp consisted of sharpening my interpersonal skills and gaining more confidence to move forward in establishing my tech career. “– Kenyon Nyangai

“This coding bootcamp experience was eye-opening. I came into this program with minimal coding experience, and they helped me build myself to become a better over-all coder and professional. The New Vision Foundation staff does really help you do more than what is just on paper; they brought in professionals for us to learn more about the tech field and connect with. They also taught us lots of essential skills such as public speaking and learning to manage our own projects – which I really appreciate. I recommend this program to others, and I am grateful to have been given this opportunity.”  – Jason Vang

“For the past 6 months in the New Vision Foundation coding bootcamp I’ve learned programming languages such as HMTL, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails. I’ve also learned some valuable life skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone. It was comforting knowing that we had so much support throughout the entire bootcamp from our instructor Rukia and the NVF staff. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to challenge themselves and venture into tech.” – Asma Noor